Mt Spokane lookout tower

Another good bike hike is the area around Mt Spokane and in most cases you would park at the snow park for cross-country skiing and hiking. I went south and east to where the lookout tower has been moved from the top of Mt Spokane to the lower hill. Horse Mountain is a short distance from the lookout tower and is gotten to by traverseing the "the saddle" between the 2. Horse mountain is impossible to miss because you staring right at it from the lookout tower. The path to it is considered unmarked and they have placed logs across the trail to try and keep people out of the area. Horse mountain to me was the most interesting because it was off the beaten path and showed no signs of visits by people and also there were no "rock stacks" sometimes called cairns that are overrunning all nature and view spots. The hike to lookout tower is not only well marked but on the trail posts there will be a symbol of a lookout tower. Following are some photos and I also have the kmz files if anyone is interested. I do not think a kmz file can be placed as a link--I think it has to be emailed. 

I went up before daybreak and did this video.

If you go to horse mountain leave only footsteps-- please do not place rock stacks or spray paint or other "peoples art". 

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